Turkey E-visa For Pakistan Citizens - What Should You Do?

By Hana Emily
Posted on May 29, 2024 6:38 AM

Traveling to Turkey has always been a dream for many adventurers. The Turkey E-visa for Pakistan is currently in demand because of travelers' necessities. Therefore, knowing how to obtain a Turkey E-visa ensures a simple and enjoyable trip to this exciting region. To make the best selections, let's refer to all the details below! 


A Turkey E-visa for Pakistanis is an electronic visa system that allows Pakistani passport holders to apply for and acquire a visa to enter Turkey online. 

E-visa for Turkey from Pakistan eliminates the need to visit a Turkish embassy or consulate in person. This electronic travel permission streamlines the visa application procedure for Pakistani visitors who want to visit Turkey for vacation, business, or other short-term objectives.

The importance of a Turkey E-visa for Pakistan

The Turkey E-visa is extremely important for Pakistani visitors to Turkey for various reasons:

  • Convenience: The E-visa system provides a simple and convenient option for Pakistani individuals to get a Turkish visa. They may complete the full application procedure online, avoiding time-consuming trips to a Turkish embassy or consulate.
  • Saving time: Applying for a Turkey E-visa takes less time than traditional visa application techniques. The simplified approach allows passengers to concentrate on arranging their trip rather than dealing with complicated paperwork.
  • Accessibility: Turkey is now more accessible to Pakistani tourists thanks to the E-visa system. It lowers entrance obstacles, making it simpler for Pakistanis to discover Turkey's unique culture, history, and natural beauty.
  • Multiple entries: The Turkey E-visa allows for numerous entries into the country throughout its validity term, which is typically 180 days. This adaptability is advantageous for those who may need to make repeated excursions to Turkey or tour different places throughout their stay.
  • Short-term visits: It is ideal for short-term visits such as holidays, business meetings, conferences, or visiting family and friends. Travelers can remain in Turkey for up to 90 days per visit, giving them plenty of time to see the country's attractions.
  • Cost-effectiveness: While there is an application fee for the E-visa, it is frequently less expensive than traditional visa choices. The streamlined procedure saves passengers money on visa-related fees.
  • Travel planning: Pakistani tourists can now securely plan their travels to Turkey with the E-visa. They can book flights, secure lodging, and create itineraries without the uncertainty of visa processing delays.
  • Tourism boost: The simplicity with which a Turkey E-visa may be obtained may encourage more Pakistani visitors to visit Turkey. This, in turn, helps Turkey's tourism economy develop and benefits both nations.
  • Cultural exchange: The E-visa encourages more tourists from Pakistan and Turkey to experience each other's cultures, traditions, and hospitality.
  • Diplomatic ties: Simplified visa processes can improve Pakistan-Turkey diplomatic ties. It increases people-to-people linkages and improves commercial transactions.
Turkey E-visa for Pakistan - Relationship

For Pakistani visitors, obtaining the Turkey E-visa is crucial.


Before applying for electronic travel permission, Pakistan nationals must first grasp their eligibility and conditions for a Turkey E-visa. The following are common qualifying criteria and requirements:


  • Nationality: To be eligible for a Turkey E-visa, you must be a Pakistani citizen with a valid Pakistani passport.
  • Travel purpose: The E-visa is meant primarily for tourism, business, conferences, and short visits to Turkey. It is not appropriate for long-term stays, employment, or education.


  1. Passport: A valid Pakistani passport is required. Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the date of your anticipated arrival in Turkey.
  2. E-visa application: You must complete the Turkey E-visa application online using the Turkish government's official website. Please make sure that you have accurately filled out all of the necessary fields.
  3. Personal information: Please include your full name, date of birth, gender, and contact information.
  4. Travel details: Include information about your anticipated journey, such as your arrival date, port of entry (often an airport), and the purpose of your visit.
  5. Accommodation and itinerary: You may be required to supply information on your lodging in Turkey (hotel reservation or place of stay) as well as a basic itinerary of your trip plans.
  6. Financial means: Some E-visa applications may need you to demonstrate that you have enough money to pay your expenditures while in Turkey.
  7. Passport scan: You must submit a scanned copy of your passport's information page. Check that your passport is clear, undamaged, and meets the size and format criteria.
  8. Photograph: Upload a current passport-sized image of yourself. The photograph must be the correct size and format.
  9. Travel health insurance: While not necessarily required, it is recommended that you carry travel health insurance that covers your medical expenditures while in Turkey.
  10. Return or Onward ticket: As part of your application, you may need to present documentation of a return or onward ticket from Turkey.
  11. Application cost: Use a valid payment method to pay the necessary application cost online. The price varies according to your nationality and the type of visa requested.
  12. Examine and submit: Before submitting your application, please ensure that you review it carefully for accuracy. You will receive a confirmation and a reference number once you have submitted your form.
Turkey E-visa for Pakistan - Passport

To enter Pakistan, a valid Pakistani passport is necessary.


Applying for a Turkey E-visa as a Pakistani citizen requires a basic online process. Here are the steps to apply for a Turkey E-visa:

  1. Visit the E-visa official website: Navigate to the Turkish e-visa application webpage. Make sure you're on the actual government website, as there might be unauthorized or counterfeit ones.
  2. Select a nationality and visa type: Choose your nationality "Pakistan" and the type of visa that you require. Most Pakistani tourists would classify this as a "Tourism" or "Business" visa.
  3. Read the following information: Examine the website's information, including visa eligibility, criteria, and terms and conditions.
  4. Start the application: To begin your E-visa application, click the "Apply Now" or "Start Application" button.
  5. Complete the application form: Fill out the online application form completely and accurately. Personal information, passport information, trip intentions, and contact information are often included. Before submitting, double-check all of the information.
  6. Upload the following documents: You will be asked to scan and upload the important documents. You will need a clean, readable copy of your valid Pakistani passport's information page. Also, you must update a recent passport-sized image of yourself that meets the size and format specifications.
  7. Provide travel information: Enter your anticipated trip dates, point of entry (typically an airport), and reason for visit (for example, tourist or business).
  8. Accommodation and route: You may be required to supply information on your lodging in Turkey (hotel reservation or place of stay) as well as a broad itinerary of your trip plans.
  9. Financial resources: Some applications may require you to demonstrate that you have enough money to pay your expenses while in Turkey.
  10. Application fee payment: Use a valid payment method to pay the non-refundable application fee online. The Turkey E-visa cost varies depending on your nationality and the type of visa requested.
  11. Examine and submit: Examine all of the information you supplied in your application. Before submitting, make sure that all the details are accurate and the application is complete. Only submit when you are satisfied with the information provided.
  12. Number of confirmation and reference: After completing your application and paying successfully, you will receive a confirmation email with a reference number. Kindly make a note of your reference number for future reference.
  13. Processing delay: A Turkey E-visa normally takes a few days to process, with most applications being processed within a few days. On the official website, you may monitor the status of your application.
  14. Obtain an E-visa: Your Turkey E-visa will be sent to you through email if your application is accepted. To produce the e-visa to the Turkish immigration officials upon arrival, download and print a copy.
  15. Arrival in Turkey: Make sure you have your E-visa, a current passport, and any other necessary paperwork before you arrive in Turkey. At the point of entry, show these to the immigration officers.

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Common mistakes to avoid during the application

To guarantee a simple and successful application procedure, it's crucial to avoid frequent errors while applying for a Turkey E-visa as a citizen of Pakistan. The following are some frequent errors to avoid:

  • Giving false information: When completing your E-visa application, accuracy is essential. Verify all the facts you supply, including your personal information, passport data, and trip dates. Applications might be rejected for even the smallest mistakes.
  • Using an unofficial website: Ensure that you submit your application via the Turkish E-visa system. Watch out for unreliable or fraudulent websites that can try to charge you more or use your personal information improperly.
  • Waiting until the last minute: You should apply for an E-visa well in advance of your intended departure date. Don't wait until the very last minute because processing timeframes might vary and unanticipated delays can happen.
  • Neglecting passport validity: Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months past the date you wish to enter Turkey. Rejection of a visa may result from a passport expiration.
  • Uploading subpar documents: Make sure your passport copy and photo are clear, readable, and adhere to the required size and format when scanning and uploading them. Images that are blurry or poor quality may experience processing delays or be rejected.
  • Improper photo sizing: Pay special attention to the size and format specifications for the passport photo. A photo that is not the proper size might lead to the application being rejected.
  • Ignoring visa type: Whether you are traveling for business, pleasure, or another reason, choose the appropriate visa type. Making the incorrect choice may result in issues.
  • Failure to maintain records: Save any pertinent correspondence, including the confirmation email and reference number, about your e-visa application. In the event of any problems, these records may be useful.
  • Ignoring payment confirmation: Make sure you have a payment confirmation after making the payment. If not, get in touch with the E-visa authorities to make sure your payment went through.
  • Not monitoring the status of your application: After submitting your application, regularly monitor the progress on the official E-visa website. This enables you to keep track of the advancement of your application.
  • Assuming instant approval: Although E-visa processing times are often swift, approval is not certain. Make no-return travel plans until you get your E-visa approved.
  • Failure to present E-Visa upon arrival: Bring a printed copy of your E-visa and your passport with you when you arrive in Turkey. Entry might be denied if your e-visa is not shown.
  • Failure to meet entry requirements: Know the rules and regulations for entering Turkey, including any COVID-19-related restrictions, and make sure you follow them.
Turkey E-visa for Pakistan citizen - Visa

It is recommended that you regularly check your passport to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.


The cost, length of processing, and validity of a Turkey E-visa for people of Pakistan might change depending on several variables, including the kind of visa, nationality, and the particular requirements established by Turkish authorities. Here is a broad summary:


The Turkey E-visa fee for Pakistanis depends on the type of visa you are looking for and your nationality. The application price for a Pakistani national requesting an electronic visa to Turkey might change. The following costs were commonly charged for E-visas:

  • Tourist E-visa: A tourist e-visa costs about $35 for inhabitants of Pakistan.
  • Business E-visa: Pakistani nationals have to pay around $35 to obtain a business E-visa.

Processing time 

For inhabitants of Pakistan, how long a Turkey E-visa takes will depend on many factors. It usually takes a significant amount of time. The majority of applications are completed quickly, frequently within 24 to 72 hours.

To account for any potential delays or additional processing time, it is advised to submit your application well in advance of the day you want to travel. Remember that depending on the volume of applications and other variables, processing timeframes may change.


The length of time a Pakistani citizen's Turkey E-visa is valid depends on the kind of visa they were given. For Pakistani nationals, a tourist E-visa typically lasts 180 days from the date of issuance. You may enter Turkey more than once during this time, but each visit may not last longer than 90 days.


You may get support from the following agencies and organizations if you want further information or have particular questions about a Turkey E-visa for nationals of Pakistan:

  1. Website for the official Turkish E-visa: The main resource for information and applications for Turkish E-visas is the government-run website. It offers thorough details regarding the application procedure for E-visas, including eligibility requirements, costs, and contact information.
  2. Embassy or Consulate of Turkey: You can get in touch with the Turkish embassy or consulate in Pakistan or your home country that is closest to you. They can provide you with current information, respond to particular inquiries, and help with any issues with your E-visa application.
  3. Online support and contact information: Contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers for their support and information services, is normally available on the official Turkish E-visa website. You can ask for help by using this contact information.
  4. Travel agencies and companies offering visa services: You can get in touch with respectable travel companies or visa service providers in Pakistan if you'd like guidance from experts. They can guide you through the E-visa application procedure and make sure your application is correct and comprehensive.
  5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey: The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs can potentially contain resources and information on visa-related issues. For assistance, you may go to their official website or get in touch with them.
  6. Local Pakistani authorities: You can get general information and guidance from Pakistani local government officials by contacting organizations like the Passport and Immigration Office or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Make careful to have your particular queries and concerns prepared before contacting these sources, including information about your trip schedule and visa application.

Turkey E-visa for Pakistan - Travel

Many websites provide important resources regarding visa-related matters.


A thrilling and educational experience may be had by traveling from Pakistan to Turkey. Here are some advice for Pakistani visitors to Turkey to help them travel safely and enjoy their trip:

  1. Verify the necessary visas: Make sure you have the relevant E-visa for Turkey or a visa from the Turkish embassy or consulate, as applicable. Check the validity and other entrance criteria before traveling to prevent problems.
  2. Copies and a passport: Make copies of your passport and E-visa and keep your passport safe at all times. To protect the originals from loss or theft, store these duplicates apart from them.
  3. Acquire a basic Turkish phrasebook: Even though English is widely spoken in Turkey, learning a few simple Turkish phrases can improve your trip and make it easier to interact with locals. "Hello," "Thank you," and "Excuse me" are important greetings.
  4. Exchange rates and money: Learn about the local currency Turkish Lira (TRY). Carry some cash with you for quick minor transactions in places where cards might not be frequently accepted. Exchange money at official exchange offices or banks for the best exchange rates
  5. Safety measures: Travelers can feel safe in Turkey, although it is advisable to be vigilant, especially in busy areas. Keep an eye on your possessions and safeguard valuables in hotel safes.
  6. Adapters for electricity: Turkish electrical outlets are Type C and Type F. Bring the appropriate adapters or converters to charge your gadgets if your devices have a different type of plug.
  7. Regional food: Turkish food (kebabs and baklava) and typical Turkish breakfasts are something you shouldn't pass up. Be daring and sample some regional cuisine.
  8. Aquatic safety: Avoid drinking tap water and stick to bottled water instead. Additionally, watch out for ice in your beverages since it can be prepared with tap water.
  9. Don't overdress: Despite Turkey's generally liberal culture, it is polite to wear modestly, especially while visiting places of worship. When attending mosques, ladies should consider bringing a headscarf and should cover their shoulders and knees.
  10. Honor regional customs: Learn about the traditions and customs of Turkey. Be courteous when greeting people, take off your shoes before entering houses or mosques, and observe customary behavior.
  11. Transportation: To escape gridlock in big cities like Istanbul, consider public transportation choices like trams and buses. To travel easily and cheaply, think about getting an Istanbulkart.
  12. Make a plan in advance: Especially for well-liked tourist destinations, do your homework and make an agenda well in advance. Visit ancient places including Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and Ephesus since Turkey has a long and fascinating past.
  13. Travel protection: Take into account getting complete travel insurance that provides coverage for unforeseen circumstances like medical crises and trip cancellations.
  14. Mobile communication: To stay connected while traveling, make arrangements for a local SIM card or an international roaming package. Google Maps and other mobile apps are excellent for navigating.
  15. Exercise caution around street vendors: Even though some street food is delectable, be selective about where and what you consume. Choose merchants who practice proper cleanliness.

You may have a great and pleasurable trip to Turkey from Pakistan while guaranteeing your safety and comfort during your journey by heeding this travel advice and using common sense.

Remember to submit your E-Visa request well enough in advance to allow for processing time. Always check the official Turkey E-Visa website before applying for the latest rules and procedures. When all paperwork criteria are precisely and completely satisfied, the likelihood of a successful E-Visa application increases.

In conclusion, the previous page gives comprehensive and insightful details on the Turkey E-visa for Pakistan citizens. We believe that your trip to Turkey is marvelous!

If you have queries or need any further assistance, you can reach us by email at [email protected] or by phone at +1 315 715 8498. We value being able to assist you at any time!

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