Safety in Turkey - Notices For Crucial Factors

By Hana Emily
Posted on May 29, 2024 7:59 AM

Turkey is undoubtedly one of the best travel destinations nowadays. However, there is certainly cause for concern over the crime rate. Furthermore, the atrocities continue to take place today. Therefore, tourists' first worry is always their safety in Turkey.

Here are some suggestions to help you make the most of your vacation to Turkey. Please read the following article!


Turkey is generally seen as a secure place to go. Tourists should be aware of a few safety issues to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. 

The following are some common security concerns in Turkey that tourists should be aware of. It's a good idea to look up travel warnings before your trip. A safe and pleasurable trip to this stunning nation may be ensured by being educated and paying attention to your surroundings.

The crime rate in Turkey? What types of crime may travelers have to face?

In general, compared to many other nations, Turkey has a modest crime rate. The country's overall crime rate might change over time and may vary by location. In Turkey, common forms of crime that visitors may experience include:

  • Petty theft and Pickpocketing.
  • Scams and Fraud.
  • Credit card fraud.
  • Bag snatching.
  • Unlicensed taxis.
  • Nightlife and Alcohol-Related incidents.
  • Demonstrations and Protests.
  • Cybercrime. 

Currently, the Turkish government takes steps to safeguard the safety of both its residents and foreign visitors. Therefore, many well-known tourist spots in Turkey are regarded as secure for visitors.

The crime rate in Turkey

The crime rate in Turkey

Risk of Unrest Political Situation

Political instability has existed in Turkey in the past. Thus, politics is a dynamic field that is subject to change.

It is essential to be informed of the political situation in Turkey there and any possible dangers. Even though most protests were peaceful, there was a chance for small-scale unrest and tensions, especially in big cities.

  • Reading the most recent travel advisories released by your government or embassy. They give up-to-date information on safety and security concerns for travelers. This information helps you to assess the current political climate and any potential hazards. 
  • Consult reliable news outlets and official government websites. These websites provide you with the most recent advancements in Turkey's political environment. 
  • Take precautions and stay away from political rallies and gatherings.
  • Keep up with local news, and heed the direction and counsel of local authorities. 

Cultural Norms & Social Regulations in Turkey

Turkey has a long cultural history. This country has been impacted by many different civilizations, notably the Ottoman Empire and the Byzantine Empire.

It is crucial to comprehend and respect the social mores and cultural norms of the country. The following are some important social and cultural norms in Turkey:

  • Respect For Religion: Turkey is primarily a Muslim nation, and Islam is very present in everyday life. Despite the nation's secularism, it is crucial to show respect for religious customs and rituals. Dress modestly and take off your shoes before entering mosques as well as other sacred buildings.
  • Greetings: Turkish culture places a high value on greetings. Shaking hands and addressing someone with titles like "Mr." (Bey) or "Mrs." (Hanim) followed by their last name are frequent greetings.
  • Hospitality: Turks are renowned for their warmth and friendliness toward visitors. It's nice to bring a modest present, such as candy or flowers (if you're welcome to someone's house).
  • Dress Code: In urban regions like Antalya and Istanbul, dress regulations are often contemporary and open-minded. However, dressing modestly is preferred while visiting rural areas or conservative communities. Please remember that ladies should avoid wearing exposing apparel.
  • Turkish Tea (çay): Tea is a popular beverage. Serving tea as a sign of welcome is customary. It's polite to accept an invitation to tea and take pleasure in the company.
  • Food Etiquette: The food of Turkey is varied and mouthwatering. It is traditional to wait for the host to begin eating before starting when you are dining with natives. To show your thanks, finish everything on your plate.
  • Public Behavior: In conservative societies, public shows of affection are either uncommon or not commonly acceptable. Avoid making overt demonstrations of affection in front of others.
  • Language: Turkish is Turkey's official tongue. English is widely spoken in popular tourist destinations and large cities. However, knowing a few simple Turkish words is welcomed and demonstrates respect for the local way of life.
  • Ramadan: Muslims fast from dawn till dusk during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. It is polite to refrain from eating, drinking, or smoking in public throughout the day in more conservative places. 
  • Money: The Turkish lira (TRY) is the accepted form of payment. In daily trades, stay away from using foreign money and always pay in lira.

Recognize that Turkey's society is varied and dynamic and that cultural standards might differ from area to region. People you encounter in Turkey will welcome you cordially if you respect their traditions and are eager to learn more about them.

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Extreme weather in Turkey

Turkey has a varied climate, with varying weather patterns in different parts of the country. Certain regions of the nation are susceptible to extreme weather conditions. Here are a few instances of Turkey's harsh weather:

  • Hot Summers: Summers may be very hot in many places, particularly those along the Southern and Western beaches. High temperatures often surpass 40°C (104°F). The high temperature is common in coastal regions like Antalya, Marmaris, and Bodrum. 
  • Cold Winters: In contrast, particularly in central and eastern Anatolia, winters may be rather cold. It may snow heavily and get quite cold in cities like Ankara and Erzurum.
  • Mediterranean Cyclones: Also referred to as "Medicanes", Mediterranean cyclones can occur in coastal areas along the Mediterranean Sea. These cyclones often bring floods and destruction in addition to bringing heavy rain and high gusts.
  • Earthquakes: Turkey is situated on multiple active fault lines and the entire nation is susceptible to earthquakes. Seismically, certain places are more active than others. In the event of an earthquake, it is crucial to be informed of emergency protocols and to adhere to local authorities' directives.
  • Flash Floods: Flash floods can occur as a result of heavy rainfall, especially in hilly places. Some areas in Turkey's North and East are especially vulnerable to this kind of severe weather.
  • Sandstorms: Sandstorms (sometimes referred to as "haboobs") can occur in Southeastern Turkey. This location is close to the border with Syria and Iraq, during specific periods of the year. It results in decreased visibility and dusty conditions.
  • Hailstorms: Various parts of Turkey occasionally experience hailstorms. It can harm crops and property, especially in the spring and summer.

You must be informed of the local weather in the areas you intend to visit. Also, you must check weather predictions both before and during your journey to meet your safety concerns.

Weather concerns for safety in Turkey

Weather concerns for safety in Turkey


Tourists are typically thought to feel comfortable visiting Istanbul. Millions of tourists come to the city annually, and the majority of them have a pleasant and trouble-free time.

However, like any large metropolis, Istanbul still has its fair share of minor crimes like. We should be aware of pickpocketing and con games, especially in popular tourist areas. 


Ensuring a safe trip to Turkey involves taking some basic precautions and being mindful of your surroundings. Here are some common tips for a safe and enjoyable visit to Turkey:

  • Check travel advisories.
  • Register with your embassy.
  • Secure your belongings.
  • Use licensed transportation.
  • Be cautious with drinks.
  • Respect local customs.
  • Stay informed about local laws.
  • Avoid political demonstrations.
  • Stay in safe areas.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Use sun protection.
  • Watch for traffic.
  • Be mindful of street food.
  • Learn basic Turkish phrases.
  • Trust your instincts.

Avoid visiting certain borderlands

Due to security concerns and travel safety, there were several border regions in Turkey where travel was prohibited or advised.

  • Areas close to the borders with Syria, Iraq, and Iran are some border zones in Turkey. It may have been the subject of travel warnings. Conflicts and other geopolitical reasons have caused security concerns in these areas in the past. 
  • Travel warnings may only apply to particular areas of the nation. It is crucial to understand this as a result. Travelers have historically felt comfortable visiting places like Istanbul, Antalya, and Cappadocia.

It is advised to speak with local officials, tour operators, or travel professionals. They are knowledgeable about the local circumstances if you want to travel to rural or border locations. 

The political situation in Turkey

The political situation in Turkey

Be willing to engage in Turkish culture & traditions

Participating in Turkish culture and traditions may improve your trip and promote fruitful contacts with the locals. Turkish people are renowned for their generous hospitality, thus it would be appreciated if you respect their traditions. 

Here are a few ways to participate in Turkish customs and culture:

  • Learn a few fundamental Turkish expressions: Getting along with locals might be facilitated by learning a few fundamental Turkish greetings and expressions. It's easy to recall and demonstrates your want to communicate in their language. You use short words like "Merhaba" (Hello), "Teşekkür ederim" (Thank you), and "Lütfen" (Please).
  • Sample the local fare: Turkish food is delectable and unique. Be daring and sample some of the regional specialties. These specialties are kebabs, baklava, and Turkish delight. Don't forget to have a cup of strong coffee or Turkish tea.
  • Respect religious customs: Islam is very important in daily life in Turkey, which is a country with a large Muslim population. Be respectful of prayers and religious rituals while entering mosques. When you visit other places of worship, you should take off your shoes before entering.
  • Take pleasure in Turkish hospitality: Turks are renowned for their warmth. Accept cordially and bring a modest gift as a sign of thanks if you are asked to someone's house. If you have the chance, take part in customs when your family gathers or celebrates.
  • Attend festivals and events: Turkey has several cultural festivals and events all year round. To get a sense of Turkish culture firsthand, check the local schedule and go to traditional festivals, music performances, or art exhibitions.
  • Explore local markets: Visit regional markets and bazaars to see Turkish daily life in all its colorful glory. Discuss topics related to crafts and products with store owners and craftsmen.
  • Recognize social norms: Recognize social and cultural norms. For example, while traveling to religious or rural places, dress modestly and refrain from making public shows of affection, especially in more conservative communities.
  • Participate in Turkish arts: Through music, dance, and traditional arts, discover the rich cultural legacy of Turkey. Attend folk dance performances, shadow puppet performances (Hacivat and Karagöz), or live Turkish music concerts.
  • Respect local customs and traditions: Each region in Turkey likely has its distinct customs and traditions. Be respectful of regional customs and educate yourself on their importance to the neighborhood.

Participating in Turkish culture and customs may enhance your trip experience. Also, these activities help you form important relationships with locals. Always have an open mind and be eager to learn about and respect Turkey's beautiful and rich cultural history.

Travel Safety in Turkey

Travel Safety in Turkey

Check travel advisories

You can take the following actions to see the most recent travel warnings and your Turkey E-visa for Turkey:

  1. Check Your Government's Official Website: Your government's official website is the best place to get travel advisories. Visit the website of your country's foreign affairs department or the equivalent organization. You can search "Turkey travel advisory" by your search engine.
  2. Consult International Organizations: Another option is to contact international agencies that offer travel guidance. You can consult the US Department of State ( Additionally, you can access the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the UK (
  3. Register With Your Embassy: It's a good idea to register your trip with your embassy or consulate before you go to Turkey. This enables them to get in touch with you in an emergency. Also, they can provide you with crucial updates or safety advice.
  4. Examine Several Sources: It is essential to examine data from several sources while reviewing travel warnings. Compare data from recognized international organizations and official government sources.
  5. Keep Up With Your Trip: Travel conditions might vary. Thus, it's crucial to keep up-to-date while traveling. Continually keep an eye out for new travel warnings and any alterations to the level of safety or security.

Keep in mind that a variety of variables. These factors are political stability, security issues, health hazards, and natural catastrophes. You should consider these elements when issuing travel warnings.

The information above offers advice on how to handle unanticipated difficulties about your safety in Turkey. We also give you comprehensive information regarding your Turkey E-visa online application

Any questions should now be answered. You may get in touch with us at [email protected] or by calling +1 315 715 8498 if you have any questions or need more information.

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